Wednesday, January 6, 2021




Real Name: Silvio Manfredi
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #73, June 1969

Powers: Silvio Manfredi was a leading (though elderly and bedridden) figure in the Maggia crime syndicate whose encounter with the vigilantes Cloak & Dagger brought him to the brink of death. His life was saved when his brain, face, and most of his internal organs were transplanted into a cybernetic body.

At full function, Silvermane's cyborg body possesses superhuman strength (Class 25), speed, senses and durability so long as his human organic body parts (which are those of a frail 80-year-old man) are adequately protected and augmented. He has been seen to cover a distance of 40 feet downward and 20 feet across in a single jump without sustaining any damage.

Silvermane is an excellent marksman (proficient with handguns and Tommy guns, specifically Thompson .50 caliber machine guns), hand-to-hand combatant, and both a brilliant strategist and organizer of subversive activities.

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