Wednesday, January 6, 2021




Real Name: Charlie-27
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes (Vol. 1) #18, January 1969

Powers: Captain Charlie-27 hails from the cloud-cities of Jupiter, one of a race of Jovians genetically-engineered to possess 11 times the mass of an average human to properly survive the increased gravity inside the planet's atmosphere.

His Jovian physique gives him larger, denser, more durable bones than an average human's, granting him human-like strength in Jupiter's gravity and superhuman Class 10 strength in lower environments like Earth. He has increased endurance, resistance to physical injury, and great reflexes for his size. He can bend steel bard or girders, smash through steel plating or concrete, dig his fingers into most metals or smash metallic constructs with his bare hands. His stamina is quadruple that of an average human due to expanded cardiovascular and respiratory capacities and a highly efficient metabolism. His durability is also enhanced beyond human norms, notably increased resistance to illness, electricity, and high levels of radiation, and his skin is tough enough to withstand .45 caliber bullets. Faster and more agile his size suggests, Charlie-27 maintains a strict training regimen of intensive regular exercise and is an excellent swimmer and weightlifter.

Later, being healed by the trans-molecular reconstitutor optimized his physiology, magnifying his strength by 34%. He makes use of various weapons, including pellet grenades, pulse pistol, Yondu's ceremonial yaka dagger, and various heavy artillery cannons usually designated for being mounted on tanks.

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