Sunday, December 27, 2020




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Venus (Vol. 1) #1, August 1948

Powers: Venus is a Naiad, one of the sea sirens of myth who lured sailors onto the rocks with her song. She was cursed with a soul by the Ancient One and blocked out her early memories, taking comfort in the false identity of Venus. She is still an immortal, never aging and requiring no sustenance to survive. She can also survive indefinitely underwater and, being a sea nymph by nature, is equally at home underwater as on land. Venus has a limited shape-changing power, allowing her to alter her clothing and assume different standards of physical beauty. Primarily she uses it to change her hairstyle. Venus's very presence seemed to stimulate joy, peace, and strong sexual urges in those nearby, but it is the mystical qualities of her voice and song that can truly incapacitate others. Just speaking is enough to make most men blush, and she can increase the potency of her voice to make people completely subject to her wishes, or simply cause them to bliss-out as their libidos overwhelm them.

Her power is at least partially psionically-directed, as other people within earshot are not affected as strongly as those she's focusing on. Still, at its strongest outpouring, her song can not be aimed and overcomes everyone in range. Venus frequently sparkles with an inner light and, when addressing her song to a large group of people, is often accompanied by a giant transparent projection of herself. The effect of her power is also linked to her mood, as on the rare occasion when she is upset and cries out in sorrow or pain, people around her will experience equal emotional pain and will be overcome by memories of the greatest moment of pain in their lives.

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