Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Gregor Shapanka
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense (Vol. 1) #45, September 1963 (as Jack Frost); Iron Man (Vol. 1) #86, May 1976 (As Blizzard)

Powers: No superhuman powers. For a short time, Gregor Shapanka, as Jack Frost, possessed the power to create intense cold without artificial means. He could even cause the ice statues he created to move and to speak, presumably though psionic means. It is not known how Shapanka acquired these powers nor how he lost them.

As the Blizzard, he wore a battle-suit containing micro circuited cryogenic units (micro-cryostats) that enabled him to project an intense cold through the ducts then encircled his gloves. With the freezing units at full capacity, the Blizzard could lower the temperature of a twenty by twenty foot room 68° Fahrenheit to 32° Fahrenheit in thirty seconds. Also integrated into the lining of his sleeves was a system of flexible tubing that carried water to miniature electric turbine in his gloves. By emitting the water as a mist and freezing it with his micro-cryostat units, he could create snow flurries. By emitting it as a spray, he could create sleet. By emitting it as a stream, he could create icicles. By concentrating both gloves' power on a single stream of water, he could create a super-dense ice-darts, capable of being flung with enough force to dent half-inch thick steal. The water and cold ducts were capable of shooting a steam of snow with a maximum range of fifteen feet. The Blizzard was able to encase people in a layer of frost or to create an ice-slide beneath him. Blizzard's battle-suit was also fully thermally insulated so that he was immune to the effects of him weaponry. He carried the power-unit for his micro-circuitry on his back.

Gregor Shapanka earned Ph.D.'s in both biochemistry and physics. A gifted intellect, he had considerable laboratory skills and scientific expertise in both cryogenics and engineering.

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