Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Max Eisenhardt
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, September 1963

Powers: One of the world’s most powerful (Omega-level) mutants, Magneto possesses a high electrolyte count in his bloodstream which increases his personal bio-magnetic field. Furthermore, that field resonates on the same wavelength as the Earth's own electromagnetic field, placing him in attune with the energy patterns of the entire planet. This allows him to manipulate magnetism and other electromagnetic forces in a variety of ways.

Magneto is capable of using magnetism to levitate, position, and manipulate anything made of or containing ferrous molecules. He can influence intricate moving parts within a machine or hurl tons of metal through the air at over 100 mph. By gathering trace metallic molecules and adhering them to solid objects, Magneto is capable of utilizing his power to manipulate non-metallic items in much the same way as he does metallic ones. He can levitate himself in order to fly, and is capable of generating magnetic energy as concussive blasts from his hands, or to shape force fields for protection or containment purposes. His own natural bio-magnetic field tends to provide him with an increased resistance to impact at all times, even without a visibly present force field. In addition, he can weave a magnetic force through the metallic fibers of his uniform, making the thin material the equivalent of battle armor. Magneto is capable of manipulating metals at a molecular level in order to superheat objects, causing them to melt. He can harmlessly absorb electricity into his own magnetic fields, and can produce electrical energy as a by product of his own powers.

He can also use immense cold like a super-conductor to magnify his powers. Magneto is sensitive to the electromagnetic field, and so can detect the presence and movement of anything metallic or with an electromagnetic signature in his vicinity. He may even be capable of sensing the electrical activity in the human brain, alerting him to the presence of living beings. Magneto can manipulate the iron content in human bodies for various effects, making people woozy, experience intense pain, or fall unconscious. He can also trigger aneurysms to quietly kill a victim, or violently tear their body apart by causing all their blood vessels to rupture and burst open. He can also aid the healing process by magnetically holding back blood flow and clotting open wounds.

Magneto is an extraordinary genius with expertise in genetic engineering and other areas of technology. He is also a master strategist.

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