Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Chen Lu
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery (Vol. 1) #93, June 1963

Powers: Dr. Chen Lu was a Chinese nuclear physicist who exposed himself to extremely low levels of radiation in order to build up an immunity to its harmful effects, then irradiated himself with a specific band of radioactive energy, turning himself into a living nuclear reactor. His body constantly emits radiation and he wears a special harness to inhibit and contain his radioactivity. The Radioactive Man can appear normal with concentration, but normally gives off a green phosphorescent aura from his skin. His presence can cause a number of different symptoms in others, at a range and intensity dependent on how much power he's producing. He can cause blindness, nausea, vertigo, stomach cramping, fainting, cancer, or even instant death by radiation overdose. Lu's strength boosts to superhuman levels depending on the level of radiation output he's generating at the time, up to Class 5 strength.

He can cast hard radiation as protective shields to deflect harm away from him, or as concussive impact blasts. He can also produce explosive or disintegration blasts, blistering heat, blinding light, or hypnotic swirls of energy that render others unnaturally calm and highly suggestible. The Radioactive Man is sensitive to the presence of radiation in his environment, detecting and identifying all forms of radioactive emissions. He can create makeshift tracking devices by slightly irradiating an object, the emissions of which can then be traced. By quantifying the level of ambient radiation clinging to a person, he can reason out how long or how long ago they were in the presence of something radioactive -- in this manner he was able to determine Songbird had been Zemo's ally longer than she claimed, due to a greater build-up of tachyon particles from Zemo's Folding Castle on her body than the rest of the "newly arrived" team had. He can even sense the presence of radiation-based superhumans like Spider-Man and She-Hulk and, after properly isolating the radiation wavelengths their powers operate on, consciously use his powers to inhibit theirs, or even drain their energies and inflict pain

The Radioactive Man can also absorb radiation from external sources, up to and including a nuclear bomb blast, though he needs to purge excess radiation from his system after this sort of drastic intake, lest it damage him physically or mentally. In recent times, technicians have periodically drained excess radiation from his system via special technology, greatly improving his mental and emotional stability. He can cleanse environments, objects, or beings of radiation by absorbing that energy into himself. Be redirecting radiated heat, he can suppress fires or at least reduce their destructive potential, though this action cannot douse any preexisting open flames. He can also emit low-level radiations that interfere with most listening devices and surveillance equipment, disrupt electrical systems, or block electronic transmissions.

His bodily functions may be sustained by radiation, as he has proven capable of functioning without oxygen. Though constantly emitting radiation, these levels increase with exertion; while he can dampen his power down to safe levels with conscious effort, he normally emits residual radiation at a rate of roughly 150 millirads per hour (the average American is exposed to roughly 150 millirads per year).

Dr. Chen Lu has a Ph.D. in nuclear physics and is a leading expert on the subject, particularly the effects of radiation on the human body and its potential to induce mutation. He is also knowledgeable in robotics and inter-spatial teleportation.

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