Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: John Jonah Jameson, Jr.
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #1, March 1963

Powers: No superhuman powers, J. Jonah Jameson is a normal human being with the strength of a man of his age, build, and height. He demonstrates surprising fitness, though he is subject to frequent fits of rage, has suffered multiple heart attacks, and is a chain smoker of cigars.

Though a high school dropout, he is an accomplished news reporter, editor and businessman; and is knowledgeable of nearly every aspect of print publication. Jameson purchased then financially floundering Daily Bugle through his own company, Jameson Publications. Jameson served as the newspaper's publisher and editor in chief, and revitalized the photograph-dominated tabloid format. He is skilled in photography, investigative journalism, and news reporting.

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