Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Jean Grey-Summers
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, September 1963

Powers: Sometimes known as the Marvel Girl or Phoenix, Jean Grey is gifted with the mutant powers of telepathy and telekinesis. Through years of improving and refining her abilities, she has become one of the world’s most powerful psionic talents

Initially, she manifested telepathic abilities at an early age, and they almost destroyed her mind until Charles Xavier helped her control her mutation. Xavier placed psychic dampeners on Jean that blocked her from accessing her telepathy, encouraging her instead to develop the telekinetic powers she had also manifested. After joining the X-Men as Marvel Girl, Jean's telekinesis was rather limited, preventing her from affecting objects weighing more than herself. She could levitate small objects and move them around from a distance, and was skilled enough to manipulate things she couldn't see, like the mechanisms inside a lock or anything if she was blindfolded. Though she couldn't fly yet, Jean could "boost" to launch herself over a wall and slow her descent when coming down. She could not create force fields yet, and had to consciously "push" projectiles or other attacks away from her.

Her powers continued to grow, though, especially after Xavier unlocked her telepathic abilities (mind reading, thought projection, excellent memory recall, astral projection, illusion casting, mind control, manipulation of mental and bodily processes, and projection of mental force bolts) before going underground for a time. Marvel Girl developed her abilities to hover and move around through the air at low speeds, and project telekinetic blasts and shields. After suffering serious radiation poisoning, Jean was placed in a recuperative suspended animation by the Phoenix Force, until she was woken up years later by Reed Richards. Her awakening was ahead of schedule, and damaged her so that she could not access her telepathic powers. Her telekinesis, however, had developed much stronger in her recuperation period. Jean could now levitate tons of matter at a time, and could now full-out fly while carrying additional people with her. As time passed, glimpses of telepathy resurfaced for her until she was psychically attacked by Psynapse, reawakening her telepathy completely.

Dropping the codename "Marvel Girl", Jean Grey later would take the name "Phoenix". During the time that the Phoenix Force had copied her mind and body, it had formed a connection with Jean and she began manifesting the power of the Phoenix herself, creating the fiery Phoenix raptor as a signature of her mutant abilities. Her evolution as the Phoenix was stunted by the disruptive effects of the Psi-War, and later she lost her telekinetic powers in a still-undetailed conflict against the Shadow King with Psylocke. Betsy gained Jean's telekinesis, while Phoenix absorbed Psylocke's telepathy into herself, greatly magnifying her own telepathic abilities. Her telekinesis eventually returned on its own, and the Phoenix Force began manifesting itself directly through her physical form. Jean's powers developed to cosmic proportions, allowing her to rearrange matter at a molecular level, create intense heat and thermal energy by stimulating molecular activity, manipulate the voluntary and involuntary responses in the human body, and manifesting a "telekinetic sensitivity" that let her feel the texture of objects she had a telekinetic hold on, feel when other objects came into contact with them, and probe them at a molecular level to identify alien materials or feel when two things she "held" were similarly composed.

Her telepathy eventually became categorized as omega-level, giving her unlimited capacity for performing all telepathic feats.

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