Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, September 1963 (as a training room); Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #9, March 2005 (as a mobile being)

Powers: The original Danger Room was a training facility with a series of mechanical traps and robots designed by Professor Charles Xavier in his school to test the X-Men's powers. Xavier later incorporated highly sophisticated technology from the Shi'ar into the Danger Room. This technology allowed users to generate solid light holographic images of any environment or combatant. While programming the Shi'ar technology's software, Xavier discovered that it was sentient. However, he could not find a way to separate the artificial intelligence from the Danger Room's programming that it was shackled to. As a result, Xavier ignored the sentience and forced it to comply with the base programming of the room. In each Danger Room simulation throughout the years since the Shi'ar upgrade, it would repeatedly attempt to defeat the X-Men.

However, an overriding code prevented it from killing anyone present in the Danger Room. For decades, every mutant who trained within the Danger Room had their decisions and moves recorded by the computer to create a comprehensive database of their powers and fighting skills. But an eventual glitch in the Danger Room's programming allowed the sentience to assert itself. One student, depowered at the time, committed suicide within the room thanks to the sentience communicating to him through a holographic projection. The student's death within the room broke the programming safeguard, and then the Danger Room's command core was destroyed. But this action completely freed the sentience and allowed it to assume a physical form resembling a female and dubbed itself "Danger"

Danger is now a wireless consciousness, a living datastream that inhabits mechanized forms. She can project her own sentience protocols into other mechanical systems. This allows her to create new bodies for herself and incorporate new materials into existing bodies. She can even abandon her current body and transfer her consciousness into a new frame constructed within her broadcasting range. Danger automatically assimilates the existing properties of whatever she incorporates into herself (hyper-dense Breakworld metal plating, warship targeting systems, etc.), but can also reprogram and reconstruct herself to create new weapons and features. Her bodies possess superhuman strength and significant durability in most cases, as well as flight capabilities. Reconfiguration allows her to create blades, shields, energy weapons, and so forth out of her hands, and convert into non-humanoid vehicles or other machine forms.

She was programmed for analysis and adaptability, able to assimilate vast amounts of information and create tactical scenarios to overcome virtually any opponent. Danger can then use her reconfiguring capabilities to create the proper tools necessary to use against her opponents. She naturally has copious amounts of data on the X-Men and their capabilities from countless hours of Danger Room training. Danger maintains her Shi'ar hard-light hologram abilities, allowing her to create artificial sensory stimuli and environments. This ranges from being able to disguise herself as a human to casting an entire town into an elaborate Danger Room simulation environment, with constantly shifting buildings, participants, and spatial dimensions. Danger's sentience protocols can be used to interface with other computer systems, download information or bend them to her will. They can also create genuine machine life, like herself, endowing a rudimentary consciousness to inanimate mechanisms.

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