Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Herman Schultz
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #46, March 1967

Powers: No superhuman powers. The Shocker is a self-taught gifted inventor and an expert safecracker. His twin vibro-shock units use high-pressure air blasts to cause powerful concussive waves vibrations. The blasts can crumble solid concrete, shatter metal, or extensively damage a human body. The gauntlets were originally powered by a battery and shoulders belt but now each gauntlet has its own independent power source. The Shocker's heavily-padded suit protects him from the effects of his own weapons and its armor renders him bulletproof. His suit also projects a vibrational shield around itself, deflecting blows and allowing him to escape from any grasp, even that of Spider-Man's webbing. The Shocker's costume contains a remote that can detonate his gauntlets. He briefly wore a suit that incorporated the vibro-shock units into the costume itself, and retained the gauntlets as decoys but Spider-Man destroyed the suit. The Shocker formerly wore an armored suit filled with miniaturized vibro-units; using these he could fly by channeling fibroblasts through his boots and channeling vibro-blasts through his back to discourage sneak attacks. The Shocker has also used high-tech fire arms.

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