Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Marvin Flumm
First Appearance: Strange Tales (Vol. 1) #141, February 1966

Powers: Mentallo is a basic mutant telepath whose powers are often enhanced by a S.H.I.E.L.D.-issued E.S.P. helmet. He demonstrates most of the major basic telepathic abilities and has shown himself capable of reading the minds of other people, projecting his thoughts to communicate psionically with others, causing people intense pain or forcing them into unconsciousness with mental bolts, and casting mental projections either to project and visualize his thoughts and memories, or to create hallucinatory illusions to attack his victims. Mentallo has also transmitted his mind into the body of another telepath and resided there for an extended period of time. One rather unique ability he possesses for a telepath is a kind of psychic radar, created by casting reflective psionic waves into his environment and then reading them as they returned to him. This allowed him to psychically discern the basic dimensions of his surroundings in all directions. A weakness in his power caused Mentallo to have difficulty focusing on moving targets, and he has never learned how to screen out the thoughts of other telepaths or psychics. Psychic feedback can be painful to him, so his special ESP-proof helmet protects him from psionic attacks.

As a long term partner of the Fixer, he also frequently employed a wide range of technological weapons.

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