Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Amora
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery (Vol. 1) #103, April 1964

Powers: Amora the Enchantress is a goddess of Asgard. She has previously existed as an aspect of Freyja, Goddess of Love and Beauty, and Idunn, Keeper of the Golden Apples. However, in this incarnation of Asgard after the last Ragnarok, she exists independently of both goddesses. Amora's body has three times the carbon density of normal human flesh, causing her to weigh over 450 lbs. despite her deceptively thin figure. Her body density, combined with the Asgardian magic inhabiting her frame, makes her capable of lifting 20 tons, as well as possessing superhuman endurance, reaction time, durability, sensory clarity, and extremely long life. Semi-regular use of the Apples of Idunn allows her and all Asgardians to maintain their youth and virtual immortality. As a magical creature, Amora has an internal reservoir of magic she taps into for spells and sorcery, and does not require outside talisman, forces, or extra-dimensional entities to harness magic, although she is capable of using all three if she chooses. Her magic is tied to the lands of Asgard, and leaving Asgard for one of the other Nine Worlds can reduce her power considerably over time until she returns home.

A strikingly beautiful woman, even among the goddesses of Asgard, Amora is quite skilled in the arts of manipulation and seduction. As a standard practice, she maintains a series of charms that increase her natural allure to supernatural levels. Her presence becomes borderline hypnotic, drawing the attention of any man in her vicinity, overwhelming them with desire for her. Under her direct gaze and attention, she can influence men into believing anything she says is the truth and convince them to carry out any act she desires of them. Amora's allure is potent enough that she has proven capable of seducing men while gagged and bound, using nothing but a wink and a lingering gaze to make them abandon their allegiances to have her. Men of particular willpower and those aware of her evil intentions can resist her demands. However, the passive allure charms can be amplified by the Enchantress at will, making her even more irresistible for brief spurts of time. When dealing with resistant victims, Amora often enhances her allure to compel men to submit to a simple kiss. Her lips are constantly enchanted with a spell of enslavement, completely subverting the will of her victim for roughly a week at a time. Repeat kisses can maintain the enslavement indefinitely and, like her allure, she can "supercharge" the initial kiss to make it even more potent.

Besides seduction, the Enchantress is capable of performing a wide range of other spells. Her kiss can be altered to make victims fall asleep or turn into stone or wood. She can project blasts of mystical force or shape defensive barriers of energy. She can teleport, moving between the Nine Worlds or within a given realm, or engage in simple acts of conjuring or banishment with small items. Amora can alter her appearance and that of her attire with a simple glamour. She is capable of astral projection, or clairvoyantly summon visions of distant events, typically channeled through elemental aids such as smoke or water. The Enchantress is capable of temporarily or permanently enchanting people and objects as well. She empowered the Bloodaxe of the Executioner as a mystical weapon and, after the death of Skurge, demonstrated the ability to empower other men under her power with Skurge's strength.

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