Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Names: Sean Cassidy (Banshee); Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy (Siryn)

First Appearances: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #28, January 1967 (Banshee); Spider-Woman (Vol. 1) #37, April 1981 (Siryn)

Powers: Banshee and Siryn are a father-daughter pair of mutants who both possess superhumanly enhanced lungs, throats, and vocal chords enabling them to scream louder and longer than a normal person is capable. They can also modulate the wavelength and frequency of their "sonic scream" to produce different effects (apparently, this ability is at least partially psionic and not done solely by the vocal chords). A sonic scream can be directed as concussive force, and modulated to perform other effects like shatter glass, crumble masonry, and even liquefy solid objects if the effect is sustained long enough at an intense level. By psionically causing the force of a sonic scream to be directed behind them, Sean and Theresa are able to propel themselves through the air and fly as fast as the speed of sound. By projecting a scream to disturb the fluids in someone's inner ear, they can induce unconsciousness, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, or vertigo in opponents. Banshee has used his power to generate sonic waves and map out his surrounding environment, and used sonics to disrupt electronic scanning equipment to make it incapable of properly detecting his presence. He has also cast people into a blank, trance-like state for as long as they're in range of his voice.

In her early appearances, Siryn used her powers to generate a force bubble of energy around herself for protection, and to hypnotize Angel into carrying out her bidding and battle his fellow X-Men. Later, she has also used her powers to tune in to distant noises like a directional microphone, and create a sonic masking field which prevents sound waves from being conducted through the air. This creates a safe zone "bubble" where people can talk as loudly as they want and not be overheard. She has also learned how to produce subsonic harmonics in her voice that cause adoration -- this compels people to fall deeply in love with her and makes them willing to do whatever she asks. Both father and daughter possess superhuman hearing, allowing them to still hear properly even over the sound of their own screams, and specially reinforced eardrums that are immune to the harmful effects of loud noises and various ranges of sonic frequencies.

Siryn gained undefined mystical abilities upon becoming the Morrigan, apparently a Celtic supernatural force. However, it remains unclear whether the Morrigan is merely a title passed from one woman to the next along with the necessary power, or if the Morrigan is a sentient spirit or consciousness that is hosted by these women, like a mystical symbiote.

Sean Cassidy holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Dublin College. Formerly an inspector with INTERPOL and an NYPD Detective, he is well-versed in law enforcement, unarmed & armed combat, and is a highly skilled investigator. An aficionado of American country music, he has a voluminous encyclopedic knowledge of the genre.

Theresa Rourke was a member of Jamie Madrox's X-Factor Investigations (XI) detective agency. During which time, she exhibited a capacity for deductive reasoning and investigative knowledge making her a highly competent private detective. Running the organization in Madrox's stead, she demonstrated capable leadership as well.

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