Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Clea Strange
First Appearance: Strange Tales (Vol. 1) #126, November 1964

Powers: Clea is the daughter of Umar and a native man of the Dark Dimension, making her half-Faltinian by nature. She had only meager training in the magical arts before coming to Earth, and lost much of her power in our dimension, forcing her to restart her training as Dr. Strange's disciple. Over the years, however, she has become a powerful sorceress in her own right, and even assumed the Flames of Regency (a mystical symbol of power for the ruler of the Dark Dimension) from her mother for a time.

She has been Sorceress Supreme of the Dark Dimension. As such, she possesses vast magical powers. Her abilities seemed to be derived from three major sources: Her own personal power of the soul/mind/body; power gained by tapping the ambient magical energy of the universe she inhabits and employing it for special effects (such as illusion-casting and energy projection); and finally, powers gained through the tapping of mystical energy from other dimensions by invoking entities of objects of power existing in those dimensions. The latter means of power is usually gained by the recitation of spells, either ritualized ones found in various mystical text or original spells invoking extra-dimensional assistance.

She has exhibited such abilities as forming and throwing magical bolts of energy, conjuring objects and energies, teleporting, telekinesis, controlling others’ minds, and casting illusions. Presumably, she is capable of replicating any spell performed by her former mentor, Dr. Strange. As she is descended from the Faltine race of beings, it is suggested that she can generate her own mystical energy like Umar and Dormammu and draw upon it to fuel her magic. She also possesses greater strength and body density than that of a normal Earth human. Her age is indeterminate, having lived for centuries but having the form and demeanor of a twenty year-old woman, and the rate at which she ages is unknown.

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