Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: William Barrett Foster
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) #32, September 1966 (as Bill Foster); Power Man (Vol. 1) #24, April 1975 (as Black Goliath); Marvel Two-In-One (Vol. 1) #55, September 1979 (as Giant-Man); Thing (Vol. 2) #1, January 2006 (as Goliath)

Powers: Dr. Bill Foster was a biochemist who worked as a lab assistant to Dr. Henry Pym. Dr. Foster assisted the latter when he was trapped at a 10 foot height due to miscalculations in his growth formula which contained a type of Pym Particles. After successfully returning Pym to normal size, Dr. Foster memorized the Pym Particles formula and re-created the biochemical growth serum without any of its instabilities. He gained the ability to grow in size and mass at will.

The ingested Pym Particles interacted with the electrical impulses of Foster's brain to create an organism-wide "enlarging field," which is energized by mental command. This enabled him to grow to gigantic height as Giant-Man, Goliath, and Black Goliath. The growth process required the rapid acquisition of bodily mass, from the planet Kosmos of the Microverse. This extra-dimensional mass fortified all of his cellular tissue, including his bones and muscles, enabling him to support his increased weight, and giving him superhuman strength (Class 22 maximum). He could increase his height up to a maximum of 25 feet. When returning to normal size, Foster would generate another type of Pym Particles which would also interact with the electrical impulses of his brain, creating an organism-wide "reducing field." Thus, Foster could shrink back to his normal height and shed all of the mass that was gained extra-dimensionally.

Like most Pym Particle users, he had the limitation of not being able to grow past his maximum size and mass without putting strain on his body. He once contracted radiation poisoning and a transfusion of Jessica Drew's immunities saved his life. Working with the High Evolutionary's technology allowed him to completely reverse his problems, but he had to remain at 15 feet tall for a period of time afterwards.

In giant form, Foster had superhumanly acute senses, slightly enhanced durability, an amplified voice, and an enlarged brain which rendered him somewhat immune to psionic attacks. The sensory and mental enhancements seem somewhat unique to Foster among Pym Particle size-changers. This is possibly due to the modifications he made to his growth powers using the High Evolutionary's technology.

Bill Foster holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and is a brilliant scientific researcher, inventor, and one of the world’s leading biochemists. He has some military training and experience in military combat.

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