Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Kubik
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense (Vol. 1) #79, July 1966 (As a Cosmic Cube); Avengers (Vol. 1) #289, March 1988 (As Kubik)

Powers: The Cosmic Cube is a force-field matrix in the form of a small three-dimensional cube that is designed to capture and entrap extra-dimensional energies. The holder of a cosmic cube can mentally manipulate its energies to alter reality according to their thoughts. Cosmic Cubes eventually evolve into sentient beings of virtually unlimited power. Kubik is one such being.

He has the ability to manipulate reality (time, space, forces, matter, and energy) without any apparent limit. This includes changing his physical appearance, projecting energy, transmuting matter, reading minds, transporting instantly through space or dimensions, and so on. Reality remains restructured until Kubik consciously alters it, and it does not revert to an unaffected state after a specific time interval or in the event that Kubik would lose consciousness.

Kubik's power is presumably equal to that of the Shaper of Worlds and to that of Kosmos, the entity that is the combination of the Beyonder and the Molecule Man. Kubik's power was capable of creating at least a duplicate of Earth (and its people) and the sun from the matter in a pocket dimension. Hence, Kubik may be more powerful than beings such as Odin, Zeus and the Watcher, who have not been shown to be capable of such feats. How his power compares to that of Galactus is unknown. However, Kubik is less powerful than most known Celestials, and is definitely less powerful than the gigantic Celestial Exitar the Exterminator. Presumably, Kubik is also less powerful than the true Beyonders, who created Kubik in the first place. Kubik is also definitely less powerful than both Eternity, who is the sum total of the life forces of the entire universe, and the Living Tribunal, who serves as judge and executor of justice to the multiverse.

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