Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Telford Porter
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #2, November 1963

Powers: The Vanisher possesses the mutant power of teleportation via a form of dimensional displacement to move from place to place. Unlike many teleporters, who utilize one specific dimension as a "waystation" between two points on Earth, the Vanisher shifts himself into a pinprick hole in the space/time continuum, perpetually crossing through multiple planes of reality until he chooses to realign himself with our dimension plane and return in a different location. He can teleport himself, his clothes, and a certain amount of additional mass. He has been seen connecting to the Darkforce Dimension, a world where Warpath rescued him from, and the dimension he and Nightcrawler were trapped on. The Vanisher is aware of these dimensions to a greater degree than, for example, Nightcrawler is of the Brimstone Dimension while travelling. He can view these dimensions while in displacement and can choose to alight in those realities instead of returning to the Earth dimension (although he runs the risk of being unable to find his way back to Earth in the process).

Perhaps because of the unique dimensional displacement aspect of his power, the Vanisher possesses a greater range and ability than many teleporters. He can telelport across the entire planet in a single jump, traveling instantly from America to South America or Japan. The Vanisher's teleportation effect has a strong mass compensation effect, ensuring that he automatically materializes within clear space instead of inside a solid object. Therefore, he can teleport inside top secret military facilities without any knowledge of the layout. Although his power was treated as a primarily personal displacement effect for decades, recently it has been shown that he can encompass other people in his teleporting effect, transporting more than a half-dozen others with him at once.

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