Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Lord Kevin Reginald Plunder
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #10, March 1965

Powers: Lord Kevin Plunder is the son of a British scientist and grew to manhood in the hidden Antarctic region of the Savage Land. While he himself is a baseline human who possesses no superhuman powers, he does have near-superhuman levels of strength, endurance, athleticism, fighting prowess, and survival skills developed by surviving in the Savage Land since his boyhood. He is an expert in hunting, foraging, trapping, fishing, and general survival in the wild.

He typically carries a stone or metal knife, using bow and arrows or a throwing sling as need arises. He also seems to possess a near-empathic bond with his sabre-toothed tiger/loyal guardian, Zabu.

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