Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Arthur Parks
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) #34, November 1966

Powers: Dr. Arthur Parks was a research scientist studying a way to create the smallest laser capable of use as a weapon yet devised. Dr. Parks fitted two miniature projectors to his wrists and fashioned himself a costume and criminal identity as the Living Laser. Later, Dr. Parks had an array of miniature laser diodes implanted in various places over his body. The overloading of those diodes transformed him into a permanent energy state.

The Living Laser is a bodiless quantity of photons (particles of light) possessing human consciousness. Formerly human, he can exert mental control over the particles that comprise his form, determining their direction of travel and concentration. Through concentration, he achieves a critical density of photons, allowing him to laser. The maximum potency of this laser is not yet known, but it is known he can travel at the speed of light (186,274 miles per second). The full extent of his light-based powers has not yet been demonstrated, although he is believed to be able to maintain a holographic three-dimensional image of his physical self. It is possible that the Living Laser's body has not been totally destroyed, but was shunted permanently into the energy dimension from which Captain Marvel derives her powers, and replaced by an equivalent "quantity" of light. Possibly, the Living Laser can replenish the energy he expends by drawing new photons from this energy dimension.

Arthur Parks holds a Ph.D. in physics and is an expert in laser technology.

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