Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Kl’rt
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #18, September 1963

Powers: Kl’rt is a member of the Skrulls, an extraterrestrial race native to the Andromeda galaxy who possess shape-shifting capabilities. He can morph between any number of humanoid appearances and sustain many kinds of physical assaults without undue injury by reconfiguring his adaptive molecules to undo the damage inflicted on him.

He became the first Super-Skrull via bionic re-engineering, allowing him to duplicate the combined powers of the Fantastic Four.

He can manifest superhuman strength (up to Class 10) at will by morphing his arms into sturdy, animated rock. His natural Skrull elasticity has been increased as well, allowing him to stretch to many times his normal length, compress his mass into a flattened state, coil and construct around objects, etc. He can summon high-temperature flame on command to project fireballs, streams of flame, or blast pyrotechnic force beneath himself in order to fly, and also is able to draw on hyperspace force to render himself or other objects invisible to detection, and cast invisible force fields to shields himself from harm.

The limitation on his duplicated abilities was that he often was forced to rely on cosmic transmission beams from the Skrull homeworld to sustain his powers.

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