Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #45, December 1965

Powers: Triton is an Inhuman (Homo sapiens inanthropo), a genetically engineered offshoot of humanity created by the Kree to possess heightened strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reaction time, roughly 50% greater than humans. At one year of age, he was exposed to the mutagenic properties of the Terrigen Mist, a mutagenic or mutation causing substance discovered by the Inhuman scientist Randac. It is potent enough to cause any living organism to mutate from exposure to it, although the Inhumans zealously restrict its use to Inhumans only. Triton developed a number of aquatic traits as a result, but could survive only in an aquatic environment.

Triton has scaly, greenish skin over his entire body, webbed feet, a small dorsal fin running from his forehead to the base of his skull extending from his temples. He also has two thin membrane stalks where his eyebrows should be. In addition to his physical mutation, he possesses a number of superhuman abilities derived from it. He has enhanced strength enabling him to lift approximately two tons on land. He possesses a superhumanly strong physiology enabling him to withstand the great water pressure changes that occur beneath the sea. His blood circulation enables him to withstand freezing water temperatures. His vision is more sensitive to the green portion of the visible spectrum, allowing him to see in relatively dark ocean depths. He can swim at a maximum superhuman water speed of between 50-60 knots (58-69 miles per hour) for several hours before tiring.

As a water breather, Triton has a number of gills hidden by scales along his throat. These gills enable him to extract sufficient oxygen from ambient water to allow him to function normally while underwater. Triton can live underwater indefinitely. He cannot survive out of water for more than five minutes without special devices before asphyxiating. His body is also very susceptible to dehydration.

Triton often employs a water circulation system to enable him to function outside water for extended periods of time. The system consists of lengths of plastic tubing running along his torso and limbs which constantly exude a mist of water. Two tiny tubes connect directly to the gills in his throat. In his wrist and ankle gauntlets is a 4-quart supply of water which is constantly re-oxygenated by means of a selective molecular filter (which allows oxygen molecules to enter the system and respiration waste molecules to exit). The amount of water in the system is continually replenished by a miniaturized moisture condenser located at the rear of Triton's belt. The water is circulated through the tubing by a body-heat powered electric micro-demand pump located next to the selective molecular filter.

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