Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Clinton Francis Barton
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense (Vol. 1) #57, September 1964

Powers: Typically a baseline human with no superhuman powers, Hawkeye is an expert archer and marksman, and a highly trained acrobat and aerialist. He has trained for years to be perfectly accurate with a bow, and with any object he can use as a projectile, letting him make elaborate bank shots with incredible precision. He has used a number of bows over the years, including a long bow, regular bow, wrist-mounted crossbow, and a high-tech bow capable of firing arrows twice as fast as any normal bow. Some of the arrows in his quiver have their specialty tips attached, and he carries a selection of additional arrowheads stored in small pockets on his bandoliers and costume frame. Briefly, Hawkeye wore a suit of "battle armor" which was a flexible and bulletproof costume equipped with infrared and telescopic sights in the visor. He has used a wide variety of arrows over the years, including but not limited to explosive, flare, incendiary, electro, tear gas, smoke, putty, suction tip, sonic, rocket, boomerang, electromagnetic pulse, tracer, tangle net, acid, freeze, buzz saw, bola, fireworks display, and of course regular pointed tip arrows.

Clint also operated as Goliath II for two periods in his career, using a special growth serum designed by Yellowjacket with a supply of Pym Particles inside it. Drinking the serum gave Barton the power to alter his size and mass at will by accessing an extra-dimensional source of raw mass. He increased his stature proportionately, augmenting his physical strength and increasing his durability to some degree as well in the process. The growth serum was effective for an unknown period, but a single dosage seemed capable of giving Clint the ability to change size at will for days, possibly weeks at a time. He employed a shrinking serum as well during his second stint as Goliath II, allowing him to decrease his regular size in addition to growing.
As Ronin, he adopted a wider range of weapons and martial arts techniques. He employed a katana and other blades, wielded using the skills he learned from the Swordsman. He also used nunchaku, able to extend into a quarterstaff similar to his ex-wife Mockingbird's battle staves. Ronin would occasionally use sai daggers, throwing stars, and his old bow and arrows as well.

Hawkeye is 80% deaf in both ears due to an incident, and wears specially-designed miniature hearing aids.

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