Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Calvin Zabo
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery (Vol. 1) #99, December 1963

Powers: Dr. Calvin Zabo is a scientist who concocted a chemical formula which induces a hormonal transformation. This transformation physically and mentally unleashes his darker side, creating the persona known as Mister Hyde. The formula can be ingested or injected into Zabo in order to be effective, and then a counter-formula can be employed to reverse the process. As Hyde, Zabo's body develops a significant amount of additional mass, and his muscles swell with power.

His facial features are distorted beyond recognition, and even his fingerprints change to distinguish Hyde from Zabo. Though Hyde is far more temperamental and murderous than his Doctor Zabo side, they are still basically the same mind, as opposed to the Hulk's many psychological changes. Hyde possesses superhuman strength (Class 50), endurance, and durability, as well as an incredible tolerance for pain.

Calvin Zabo holds a Ph.D. in psychopharmacology and has extensive knowledge of biochemistry as both personalities. A talented inventor, Zabo has created technological weapons such as chemical irritant sprays, a power-sapper and the Time Reversal Ray, which projected images of a target's past, projecting backwards chronologically.

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