Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Norrin Radd
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #48, March 1966

Powers: Norrin Radd was born on the planet Zenn-La, part of an extremely long-lived and technologically-advanced humanoid race that had created a worldwide utopia devoid of crime, poverty, hunger, disease and want of any kind. His life changed when the Devourer of Worlds, Galactus, arrived on Zenn-La to consume it. In exchange for sparing his home planet, Radd offered to become Galactus's herald to seek out new worlds for him. Galactus agreed and imbued Radd with a portion of the Power Cosmic, transforming him into a silver-skinned, cosmic-powered super-being patterned after an adolescent fantasy plucked from Radd's memories. Known thereafter as the SIlver Surfer because of the silvery flying board he rode, Radd departed Zenn-La with Galactus.

As the Silver Surfer, his entire body has been covered with a flexible silvery coating. He sustains his metabolism now entirely through absorbing and processing cosmic energy from his environment. The Surfer possesses Superhuman Class 100 strength, enhanced agility and reflexes, is practically tireless, and is capable of withstanding virtually any level of physical assault without injury. He has accelerated vision allowing him to observe events occurring even a light-year away from his position and analyze matter down to a molecular level. The Silver Surfer also has wide-spectrum tracking abilities, enabling him to detect the presence of living energy, electromagnetic energy, mystical energy, etc, distinguish specific wavelengths and frequencies to identify the exact person or source of these emissions, and track them through virtually any environment, even a black hole. He can produce cosmic energy outwards from his body, discharging it as light, heat, concussive or explosive force, electricity, magnetism, or manipulate it to rearrange the molecular structure of matter, heal the injuries of living beings, disintegrate solid objects, etc. He can manipulate his own molecules in order to alter his physical appearance or phase intangibly through solid matter. He's occasionally demonstrated limited telepathy, able to influence human emotion and sensation.

The Surfer's surfboard is composed of the same substance as his skin, making it nigh-invulnerable as well. It responds to his mental commands and nothing short of another cosmic force can separate him from his board while he's riding on it. Capable of flight, the board can carry the Surfer at any speed imaginable, up to and including warping space to propel him faster-than-light. There have been rare occasions where it's been destroyed or damaged, but the Surfer proved capable of repairing and even re-creating it. Sometimes, he achieves this by shedding liquefied droplets of his silvery skin, presumably, excess or surplus quantities of same that he can regenerate at will, and shaping these droplets into a solidified board in moments. Via this process, he can even create and manipulate two boards at once if needs be. The Surfer can attack opponents remotely by directing his board against them, and it's capable of absorbing and imprisoning other beings, at least temporarily. He can also bind opponents to the exterior of his board in an adhesive fashion and remotely control the boards activity and motion thereafter. For instance, sending the board on an extended flight with a prisoner bound either to or within it.

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