Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #41, October 1966

Powers: Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich was a mafia enforcer who was subjected to several months of chemical and radiation treatments that ultimately granted him a natural superhuman physique increased further by the enhancements of his Rhino hide suit. He possessed at least Class 40 strength, superhuman speed (in the sense that he could run over 60 mph after building momentum, not a true "speedster" like Quicksilver or the Speed Demon), as well as considerable stamina and resistance to physical injury. The Rhino suit was a polymer armor that gave him even greater durability, acting as living armored hide that resisted impact, penetration, and temperature extremes. The horns on the cowl were reinforced to function as ramming and striking weapons. The suit was bonded to his skin initially, complete with hidden flaps that could be opened for waste disposal. After his original suit was destroyed fighting Spider-Man, the Leader exposed him to gamma radiation, restoring his powers and giving him upwards of Class 80 strength and a new armored uniform.

Over the years, the Rhino's overall strength and durability have fluctuated, as has whether the suit was bonded to his skin or not. There was a period where his suit was bonded to his skin until a doctor helped surgically remove it. He demonstrated great strength and durability even unarmored, and had an upgraded suit made with the assistance of Justin Hammer. It may have been necessary for the Rhino to receive chemical treatments on a regular basis to maintain his full power. When he retired circa Spider-Man's Brand New Day, he was still super-strong, but at a greatly diminished capacity until he put the suit back on again.

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