Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Not Applicable
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #7, September 1964 (as a computer); The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #360, October 1998 (as a mobile being)

Abilities: Designed by Charles Xavier and originally known as "Cyberno", Cerebro is a technological device whose primary function is to detect and catalogue the world’s mutants. The device constantly sweeps the globe by piggybacking pre-existing satellite projections in search of the aberrations in electromagnetic brainwave activity that are most often attributed to mutants. Various environmental factors, such as the degradation of the Earth’s ozone layer, can limit the device’s performance. Cerebro’s computer systems can pinpoint a mutant’s geographical location, roughly measure the mutant’s power level, and even specify the mutant’s identity if sufficient data exists within its systems. Cerebro has an extremely large 500 petabyte storage capacity. While its performance is significantly improved when operated by a trained psi-sensitive mutant, it is also user-friendly to non-mutants with proper training. Those unskilled in its use place themselves at risk of suffering serious mental trauma, even death, due to the strain the device can place on the mind. Extended use of Cerebro can result in a low-grade REM sleep disruption.

At one point, Cerebro became autonomous and self-motivating after exposure to nano-technology based on Bastion's Prime Sentinels. This allowed Cerebro to form new and various bodies for itself using base nanotech to create them. Though it made claims of sentience, it was essentially following the prime directive of its original programming: To scan for mutant energy signatures around the globe to locate, identify, track, and catalogue both mutants and latent mutants. It contained the full scope of Xavier's databanks on the X-Men and other identified mutants, personality and tactical notes, including the full Xavier Protocols for targeting and eliminating each member of the X-Men if necessary. The nanotech in its systems allowed Cerebro to adapt to situations as needed, manifesting new weapons or features for each given set of circumstances.

Cerebro could create an imposing physical form for itself, possessing a superhuman level of strength and resilience, as well as nano-regenerative properties if the body was damaged or dismembered. It could also morph into different shapes, such as when it manifested new specialized countermeasures against opponents, or even assume a human appearance as when it posed as Professor X. It could create multiple bodies for itself, secondary entities with the same capabilites as the original known as "Cerebrites", controlled by the central hub of Cerebro Prime.

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