Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery (Vol. 1) #118, July 1965

Powers: The Destroyer is an enchanted suit of armor in humanoid form which, when animated by the life force of a sentient being, exercises immense powers which make it virtually invincible. It was created over one thousand years ago by order of Odin, monarch of Asgard, to be that other-dimensional realm's ultimate, most powerful weapon to be used in the case of doomsday scenarios such as Ragnarok or the coming of a Celestial host. The Destroyer is composed of an unknown metal of Asgardian origin and was enchanted by Odin so that its metal was harder even then Adamantium or Uru and is therefore almost totally indestructible. Ordinarily, the Destroyer stands at a height of six and one-half feet and weighs 850 pounds. However, when it was animated by the combined life force of all the gods of Asgard except Thor, the Destroyer grew to a height of 2,000 feet.

The Destroyer is impenetrable and unbreakable, empowered not only by Odin but by all the Sky-Fathers of Earth's Pantheons of Gods. It has a rudimentary programming consciousness to attack and destroy, but generally has to be animated by the life force of another being who comes within arm's length of the armor. The being's physical form then falls into an enchanted stasis for as long as the Destroyer is animated. Only those with intense force of will (Odin, Thor, Loki) are capable of controlling the Destroyer's destructive impulses completely; most hosts are submerged beneath the sheer violence of the Destroyer persona, or are corrupted into carrying out violence as an extension of those impulses (Sif, Balder, a human hunter, a general, etc). Once animated, the Destroyer is all but unstoppable, possessing in excess of Class 100 strength, inexhaustible endurance, invulnerability, superhuman speed, agility, and reaction time. It is capable of self-levitation and propulsion, achieving escape velocity under it's own power. The Destroyer is capable of producing all manner of energy: Light, heat, force, electricity, magnetic fields to repel, attract, or restrain matter, nuclear ripsaws, etheric plasma, anti-matter particle beams, molecular disruptors, and so forth. It could also manipulate molecular structures, creating impenetrable crystal barriers out of atmospheric trace molecules or causing rock and stone to liquefy into loose clay. Its greatest power was the annihilation beam built into its visor, capable of total molecular disintegration.

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