Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Uatu
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #13, April 1963

Powers: Uatu is a member of the Watchers, a vastly powerful, ancient extraterrestrial race who untold eons ago undertook the task of passively observing the phenomena of the universe.

As a Watcher, Uatu possesses vast mental, physical, and energy-manipulating powers. He is telepathic, able to scan the mind of virtually every known form of sentient life and to project his thoughts into any brain. He could alter his appearance at will, assuming any guise he so choose. This is apparently a mental/psionic capacity, and not a physical shape-shifting ability like that of the alien Skrulls. Uatu can convert his body into some form of energy in order to "teleport" through space at hyper-light speeds (presumably, he traversed warp space to do so).

He can also psionically manipulate energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. The limits of this capacity are not known: It’s probably on the same basic level as such Earth gods as Odin and Zeus or such alien races as the Elan. He is seemingly immortal (although degrees of maturity are evident), having bolstered the limits of his life force with "delta-rays". Originally, it was assumed that an explosion that dispersed all of his bodily molecules thousands of miles would prove fatal.

His clairvoyance allows him to observe events occurring throughout our dimension or other dimensions and, like each Watcher, he had a multi-dimensional viewing apparatus set up on his lunar home that allows him to view other Watchers' realities, for context.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

That extradimensional portal (the installation of which was authorized by the temporal entities known as the Time-Keepers) is what he uses to look at all the alternate/parallel/divergent Earths.

Him observing those Earths as part of his job was the premise by which the stories in the WHAT IF? series were framed for the majority of its run.