Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #65, August 1967

Powers: The Supreme Intelligence is the permanent ruler of the alien Kree and their empire. It is a massive cybernetic/organic computer network system comprised of 5,000 cubic meters of computer circuitry incorporating all of the Kree Empire's greatest minds in the areas of science, philosophy, politics, and military action. Their brains were preserved cryogenically and the aggregation of those brains created a single composite collective intelligence with a near-immeasurable data processing capacity, feeding knowledge and understanding from the cryogenically preserved brains. When wishing to interact with it, the Kree address it within its terminal chamber, where a holographic image is projected onto a gigantic monitor screen.

Supremor (the Supreme Organism) has existed for nearly a million years, and so its collection of knowledge and experience is virtually immeasurable. That combined mental energy can also be harnessed for psionic means, giving the Intelligence certain telepathic powers. It is capable of probing the thoughts and memories of sentient beings, communicating with them telepathically, and projecting subliminal thoughts into their minds in order to subtly guide their actions. This power is unhindered by distance, letting Supremor interact with minds in another galaxy entirely, yet its ability to interface with alien minds such as humans or Shi'ar is somewhat limited, prompting it to transmit its communications and influence primarily through their dreams. It can tap into the subconscious minds of sentient beings even when awake, though, and summon forth animated constructs from their memories. The Intelligence once forced Captain America into battle with six of his greatest foes, tangible phantoms pulled from his own mind to do battle with him, and later pulled a similar trick individually with each of a squadron of Avengers. The Supreme Intelligence can also teleport people across intergalactic distances, summoning them into its presence and later sending them back home. Whether this is an expression of its psionic powers or a mechanical system triggered cybernetically by the entity is uncertain.

"Supremor" is also the name of the physical manifestation, or avatar, of the Supreme Intelligence. The Supremor androids are largely based on the design of the Kree Sentry servitors, only aesthetically modeled to resemble a humanoid version of the Supreme Intelligence. Supremor is animated by a small portion of the Intelligence's life-force, acting as a quasi-independent extension of its creator's will, capable of individual thought and action in situations yet always bound by the Supreme Intelligence's guidance. The Supreme Intelligence is capable of animating at least three Supremor androids simultaneously. Supremor possesses Class 100 strength, superhuman endurance, lightning-fast reflexes, and considerable resistance to all manner of physical injury. He can project blasts of concussive force and mass-intensifier beams that impose tremendous weight down on an opponent. Supremor is also capable of using the elastic and prehensile tentacles on his head and backside to leech the intellect out of fallen opponents, storing their consciousnesses within him until he can transfer their minds into the Supreme Intelligence's own vast data-banks.

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