Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Angelo Unuscione (legally changed to Gunther Bain)
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #8, November 1964

Powers: Unus the Untouchable’s mutant ability produces a repulsor field of invisible psionic energy that protects him from harm by repelling anything that comes in close proximity. This causes projectiles or energy blasts to simply bounce off before actually striking him. By increasing the range and intensity of his power, Unus can create a repulsor wave that causes anything not firmly nailed down to be blasted away from him at high speeds. With concentration, Unus can also solidify his energy into a standard force field.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Italian immigrant who changed his name when he came to America. Operated as a pro-wrestler before turning to crime. He's the father of Radius from Alpha Flight and (all but confirmed) Carmella Unuscione from the Acolytes.