Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Ronan
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #65, August 1967

Powers: Ronan the Accuser is typically the most powerful and most senior of all the Kree Accusers, an elite corps of Kree government officials whose responsibility is to prosecute, judge, sentence, and execute all Kree below the aristocratic class accused of crimes.

Ronan has undergone minor genetic engineering to make him larger and more fomidable than the average Kree, granting him Class 10 strength as well as enhanced endurance and resistance to physical injury. His body armor further boosts his strength to Class 60-70 range, provides additional resistance to damage, protection from hazardous atmospheres and the vacuum of space, and can project an aura of negativism which makes him invisible to the naked eye. In addition, it enables him to levitate and walk on air, and his gloves can generate a powerful electrical current or intense cold strong enough to send a person into temporary suspended animation.

Like all Accusers, he carries a cosmi-rod capable of manipulating cosmic energy for various purposes, only his is the most powerful of all the rods, dubbed the Universal Weapon. It can directly apply cosmic force as blasts from the nozzle on the end of the rod, discharging blinding light, stun blasts to render beings unconscious, concussive bolts capable of toppling buildings, and even totally disintegrating solid matter in instants. The Universal Weapon can manipulate gravity, causing projectiles to suddenly shoot off course or weighing down opponents with ever-increasing levels of gravitational force. It can also cast time-motion displacement fields which can contain and immobilize targets in a localized temporal distortion while moving them about in an energy field tethered to the rod itself. The rod can rearrange molecular structures according to the will of the user, altering someone's clothing from one set of garments to another or causing a metallic deck to reshape itself into a giant cage to envelop and contain a target. Ronan can use his rod to sense the presence and flow of energies in his general area, and drain energy away from existing sources, forcing mechanical systems to shut down, disabling Captain Mar-Vell's belt jets, or snuffing the Human Torch's flame by absorbing the heat away from his body. It can also be used for protective measures, casting an energy shield outwards to blunt force or energy before it reaches Ronan, or create a more powerful cone of invincibility, a solid and opaque energy construct materialized as a makeshift "courtroom" for confronting the Fantastic Four without interruption. The Universal Weapon also demonstrated teleportational powers, enabling it to transport Ronan and allies from one location to another, or summon the FF into his presence from various different places around Manhattan.

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