Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Real Name: Heracles
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery Annual (Vol. 1) #1, October 1965

Powers: Hercules was born a demigod, the son of a mortal woman and Zeus, King of the Olympian Gods. He was quite strong as a mortal, but did not come into his full power until he died a mortal death, and was reborn on Olympus as the immortal God of Strength. Hercules now possessed incalculable strength, heightened speed, reflexes and senses, inexhaustible endurance, and virtual invulnerability to physical harm. He also had a high tolerance for earthly poisons and disease. At one point during his time with the Avengers, Hercules denied his father Zeus and lost his immortality and most of his strength as a result. This downgrading of Hercules' power was apparently reversed at some unknown point.

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