Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Sersi
First Appearance: Strange Tales (Vol. 1) #109, June 1963 (as Circe); Eternals (Vol. 1) #3, September 1976 (as Eternal)

Powers: Sersi is a member of the Earth-born Eternals (Homo Sapiens Immortalis), an evolutionary offshoot of humanity created by the extraterrestrial cosmic beings known as the Celestials. Eternals possess long lifespans and vast physical and cosmic energy-manipulation powers.

Since her life-force and molecular structure are reinforced by cosmic energy, Sersi is virtually immortal and indestructible, capable of withstanding anything this side of total molecular disintegration. With complete control of her body’s molecular structure (even when she is asleep or unconscious), she is immune to disease, aging, and extreme temperatures. There are only two known means by which Earth Eternals can die: One is through an injury that disperses a significant portion of the Eternal's body molecules; the other involves overwhelming and breaking the Eternal's mental hold over his or her own body. Once this hold is broken, then the Eternal can be injured or killed through conventional means. So, Sersi’s control over her body allows her to appear at whatever age she wishes. Hence, although she has lived for at least several thousand years, she appears to be in her twenties.

She has Class 25 strength and superhuman endurance. She possesses a number of powers including telepathy, teleportation, levitation, and the projection of cosmic energy as light, heat, or concussive force. She levitates by manipulating gravitons to propel herself and others at speeds up to 850 miles per hour. Sersi is extremely adept at illusion-casting and molecular manipulation. On the Eternals' personal rankings of skill level, she is a 5 out of 5 in both areas.

Sersi can transform objects from one substance into another, change people into animals, rearrange the molecules of clothing into different styles, alter her appearance or the appearances of others, etc. She can even genetically reconfigure people from human to Kree and back, or turn living beings into lifeless inert matter, then have them return to life without consequence. In extreme cases, she has also used her molecular power as a disintegration beam.

Sersi can preset her manipulations so that they reverse themselves automatically after a certain period of time or under selected circumstances. For instance, she once transformed Captain America into a teenager so that he could infiltrate a brainwashing camp, and arranged it so that he would revert to his adult form after a certain number of body blows, reasoning that this would mean he had been discovered and needed his full fighting ability returned. On another occasion she morphed Captain America into the spitting image of his opponent Crossbones for another infiltration operation, and arranged it so that depressing a certain spot of his costume would revert him, his costume, and his shield to their original appearances.

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