Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Leland Owlsley
First Appearance: Daredevil (Vol. 1) #3, August 1964

Powers: Financier Leland Owlsley ingested an exotic chemical serum which gave him the power of directed motion hovering. He required a specially-designed cloak in order to actually glide and control his flight and later lost his ability to walk without metallic braces on his legs. At one point, the "flight serum" dramatically altered his physiology, giving him a hollow bone structure, air sacs in his lungs to make him lighter, reconstructed vertebrae letting him spin his head 270° degrees around, and a bizarre evolution to his eyes and ears, causing his eyes to become bulbous and rotate independently of each other. His senses were stronger but lacked clarity, and so he wore a special headgear to focus his enhanced sight and hearing. He gained long-range vision, nocturnal perception, and an expanded field of vision thanks to his individually perceptive eyes. He also has razor-sharp, steel-tool talons attached to his forearms.

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