Sunday, December 27, 2020




Real Name: Inapplicable (M-11 design name)
First Appearance: Menace (Vol. 1) #11, May 1954

Powers: M-11 the Human Robot was originally created under the guidance of the Atlas Foundation. Artificially intelligent, its cognitive abilities and capabilities have been increased over the years since its creation by Uranian technology and the science and magic of the Atlas Foundation. It possesses at least Class 50 strength, bulletproof armored casing, and hosts a sorcerous enchantment which allows it to completely reconstruct itself even after being reduced to scrap metal. Its arms and legs are made of telescoping metal links, enabling it to greatly increase his reach or wrap its limbs around a target several times, holding them firm or applying constrictive pressure. M-11 also contains circuitry for remote broadcasting and receiving, allowing it to transmit audio and video signals anywhere in the world and similarly access all computer systems across the planet, whether their files are open or protected behind the strictest firewalls.

Holographic circuitry in its chest also enables it to project its own recorded memories, or any other audio-visual information it has accessed from other sources. For defensive purposes, M-11 is able to cast energy shields either as a flat plane in the path of an attack or as a dome like projection over itself and allies. Offensively, it is capable of re-channeling electrical current, but for sheer destructive purposes it can project a disintegration beam from its optic sensor, which produces variable levels of concentrated heat from a slight and gradual warming to total vaporization.

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