Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Loki Laufeyson
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery (Vol. 1) #85, October 1962

Powers: Loki Laufeyson, the Asgardian god of mischief, is one of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, though his human stature marks him as abnormally small for his race. His body is composed of carbon matter many times denser and heavier than a normal human being. Combined with the Asgardian magic inherent to his life force, he possesses Class 40 strength, superhuman endurance, and resistance to physical injury, toxins, and disease. Asgardian races also have much better vision and hearing than humans and phenomenal longevity, which can be extended into virtual immortality by occasionally eating Idunn's golden apples.

Loki is traditionally one of the top magical practitioners in Asgard, possessing considerable range and power. He is capable of, but not limited to, telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation between space, time, and dimensions, projection of force fields or force blasts, clairvoyance, astral projection, possession of other living beings or constructs such as the Destroyer or Thermal Man, invisibility, intangibility, elemental manipulation, and matter transmutation. He is an accomplished shape-changer able to assume various human and non-human forms, and has enchanted himself so that he can survive lethal attacks such as beheading without incident. He just picks up his head (which is still talking) and places it right back onto his shoulders. His vast knowledge of spells and sorcery allows Loki to perform even more feats given preparation time and the proper ingredients. In the past, Loki has temporarily or permanently enhanced the powers of various individuals or given them entirely new powers. He has also proven capable of granting himself new powers, such as temporarily obtaining the physical might to engage Thor in a test of strength. After dying and being reincarnated as a teenager, Loki lost all of his accumulated mystical knowledge. He relied solely on his wits and magical items or talismen he happened across during his adventures. When the adult Loki's mind returned and took over the young Loki, he regained his full mystical knowledge, but not his stamina. Loki was capable of summoning vast amounts of magic, but his young body could not physically weather the strain of using it as well as an adult could. He had to use his spells sparingly, as repeated spell-casting could quickly lead him to pass out. After manipulating Wiccan into re-ordering his personal reality, Loki now possesses a more adult form and greater mystical reserves than before, although he's still not at his peak. He later regained his full power.

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