Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Rig-Heimdall
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery (Vol. 1) #85, October 1962

Powers: Heimdall is an Asgardian whose body is composed of carbon matter many times denser and heavier than a normal human being. Combined with the Asgardian magic inherent to his lifeforce, he possesses Class 50 strength, superhuman endurance, and resistance to physical injury, toxins, and disease. Asgardian races also have much better vision and hearing than humans and phenomenal longevity, which can be extended into virtual immortality by occasionally eating Idunn's golden apples.

As the Sentry of Asgard and guardian of Bifrost, Heimdall's senses are magically enhanced to extrasensory proportions. His senses of vision and hearing are the most notably enhanced. His senses are so acute that he could hear sap running through trees and see events occurring all throughout the dimension of Asgard and its Nine Worlds. He can focus on certain sensory information and consciously block it out if he so chooses. Heimdall also briefly possessed the Odinpower, which granted him the power to channel cosmic energies.

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