Thursday, January 14, 2021




Real Name: Nathaniel Grey
First Appearance: X-Man (Vol. 1) #1, March 1995

Powers: The X-Man was genetically engineered from the combined DNA of Earth-295’s versions of Cyclops and Jean Grey and force grown into adolescence. Though designed to be phenomenally powerful, a sub-program was inserted into his DNA at the time of his production so that his power would kill him by the time he reached 21 years of age. The X-Man could tap the enormous psychic energies of the astral plane so as to endow himself with telepathy and telekinesis of the highest magnitude.

As a telepath, the X-Man could read minds, project his thoughts and manipulate those of others, communicate mentally, project his astral form, travel to the astral plane, create sophisticated illusions from ectoplasm, and manipulate minds in anyway he desired.

The X-Man was arguably one of the most powerful telekinetics ever. He could rearrange matter, fire devastating telekinetic energy blasts, levitate matter, create powerful telekinetic force shields, cause violent explosions in matter, and utilize his telekinetic energy to increase the physical power of his blows. He could forge solid constructs by converting psionic energy into quasi-stable matter. Using this ability he created a resilient psi-armor for himself, temporarily restored someone's missing arm, turned Xavier's astral form into a tangible thing, and brought Madelyne Pryor back to life as a psychoplasmic construct duplicating the characteristics of organic matter.

Nate later became "Shaman of the Human Tribe" when he met an alternate version of himself with significantly greater abilities and they mentally bonded, sharing memories and power. Nate developed enhanced psychic senses allowing him to perceive the future and alternate reality possibilities. He received unprompted visions of future events, could read the quantum probability activity around people to see the paths their lives might have taken or predict their actions from moment to moment, or even look directly into different realities along what he called the "Spiral". Nate could also transport himself and others between realities at will. He demonstrated greater control over energy-matter-energy conversion techniques, allowing him to materialize objects from his thoughts or transform his body into pure psionic energy then return to material substance. Nate's powers were overwhelmed when the Sugar Man used him as a conduit for inter-dimensional travel, leaving him with only limited telekinetic powers afterwards.

Since his exposure to the LifeSeed, he has grown substantially more powerful. He can affect things remotely at a global range, influence localized evolutionary and environmental development, impose beliefs and altered or enhanced abilities on others, construct an entirely new reality, etc.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Just to clarify: He is NOT Cable’s Earth-295 counterpart. In Cable #28, Dr. Moira MacTaggert and Xavier confirmed that, while Nate has the exact same DNA make-up as Cable, he’s not a clone. Clones are exact replicants with a genetic template, which Nate doesn’t have. He’s basically a test-tube baby.

The AOA’s Mr. Sinister combined Scott and Jean’s DNA and left the results to chance, which is why Nate just so happens to have the same DNA as Cable.

The other difference between the two is that Nate wasn’t afflicted with Cable’s techno-organic virus, which resulted in him being far more powerful.