Thursday, January 7, 2021




Real Name: Hyperion
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) #69, October 1969

Powers: Hyperion has an origin that varies across realities. The original Hyperion of the Squadron Sinister claimed to be from a world in the Microverse, destroyed by humanity when they began splitting the atom. Although this story was proven false, other versions of Hyperion have claimed it to be true for them. In one version, Hyperion occasionally falls to Earth in a spaceship, the presumed last survivor of an alien race. The Hyperion of Earth-S was identified as an Eternal, although he may still have fallen to Earth as the last survivor of an Eternal colony. Sun God, the Great Society's version of Hyperion, was described as post-universal, a term often referring to the recipients of the Builder's System enhancements.

In all cases, Hyperion has roughly Class 100 superhuman strength, incredible endurance, reflexes and the ability to move and fly at many times the speed of sound. He is immune to virtually all Earthly-based diseases, poisons, and other pathogens. If by some miraculous feat he is injured, Hyperion has regenerative powers on par with the Incredible Hulk, enabling him to repair vast amounts of damage to his body. He also possesses telescopic, microscopic and x-ray vision, ranged ultrasonic hearing, and offensive optic blasts, called atomic vision, flash vision, or plasma vision by different versions. The original Supreme and Sinister Hyperions used atomic vision, miniature nuclear reactions projected from their eyes to cause explosions or concentrated heat. Supreme Power's Hyperion used flash vision, a burst of radiation powerful enough to incinerate living beings, and later focused into laser-like beams. The Hyperion of Earth-S damaged his eyes in battle, blinding him for a time and requiring the use of radar-goggles to create a vivid map of his surroundings.

As an Eternal, he eventually learned to exert enough control over his molecular structure to restore his eyes. Certain versions of Hyperion appear to be solar-powered, feeding off of stellar radiation to support or increase their powers. The Exiles' foe Hyperion was even able to regenerate tissue after death by absorbing enough light. Sun God, in particular, acts like a living star. He can radiate light and heat at extraordinarily levels from his body, and often created a miniature star in his hands through which he projected solar flares of raw energy. The former Avenger Hyperion also explicitly has superhuman intelligence. He has eidetic memory, total recall, since his memories are preserved and recorded on patterns of light in his mind. He can also rapidly compute advanced probabilities and trajectories, thinking far faster than the human mind can accomplish.

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