Thursday, January 14, 2021




Real Name: Tyler Dayspring
First Appearance: Cable (Vol. 2) #6, December 1993

Powers: Genesis possessed the mutant power to forge a mental link with the minds of others. Through this link, he could telepathically affix himself to a person’s memories and visually display them as psychoplasmic hologram projections hanging in thin air, in full visual clarity and surround sound. He could also project memories from his own mind as well.

Tyler Dayspring was trained in military tactics, guerilla warfare, and other combat disciplines. He often employed weapons and personal body armor from his era.


sylar10 said...

The son of Cable and Jenskot. To reiterate:

Cable's gone back & forth over the years, saying Tyler is his son but later claiming he adopted him. Given all that's been stated, I've concluded that Tyler is Cable's biological son and that "adopted" crap is just Cable's means of emotional distance (as he himself stated during Fatal Attractions X-Over). Here's why:

1.) His first full appearance involves him revealing Cable's family history to the one guy obsessed with everything Summers family: Mr. Sinister. He wouldn't be fuckin' with Tyler if he wasn't a Summers by blood. Even he referred to Tyler as Cable's son, not his adopted son.

2.) Cable's blood may have the TO virus, but he has healthy cells too. It's how Stryfe was cloned from him with no signs of the TO virus. Tyler could've been conceived through Cable's healthy sperm purely by chance.

3.) Tyler's a blonde, which could be a recessive genetic trait in the Summers family since both Alex Summers and his mother were both blondes.

4.) Granted, it's also possible that Tyler is a product of rape. It's been intimated that Stryfe captured Aliya Dayspring once and may have raped her leaving her with his child, in which case Cable is still his father on a genetic level.

sylar10 said...

Marvel confirmed in X-Men Legends #2, Tyler is indeed a blood Summers.