Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: David Cannon
First Appearance: Tales To Astonish (Vol. 1) #50, December 1963

Powers: Whirlwind is a mutant with the ability to rotate his body around its lengthwise axis at superhuman speeds. He is able to spin at 400 revolutions per minute, without suffering from vertigo, loss of equilibrium, or relevant distortion to his visual or hearing capabilities. His sense of balance is not determined by his ears' semi-circular canals, but seems to be derived from his sight; as such, he is largely immune to dizziness, though sudden involuntary shifts in direction can disorient him on occasion. His body fluids seem to becomes as think as heavy oil in conjunction with his spinning ability. Although he has demonstrated the ability to move at superhuman speeds without spinning, he is far faster while spinning.

His rotational velocity is sub-sonic. By angling himself slightly, Whirlwind can propel himself forwards at speeds greater than 50 mph, and his reflexes are quick enough that he can make slight alterations to his course, dodging around moving targets or attacking opponents with ease, making him extremely agile. His dexterity while spinning is extraordinary, allowing him to open a bank vault, change his clothes, or perform any number of tasks while in motion. With enough momentum, he can even send himself straight up the side of a wall, or across water. He can use his power to sail for short distances through the air, lowering himself to the ground from a great height, or popping up off of level ground to seemingly fly for 10 minute at a maximum speed of 120 miles per hour.

Whirlwind is able to strike an opponent a few hundred times at high speeds, battering them unconscious even with his normal strength level. Interestingly enough, Whirlwind seems capable of manipulating the winds produced by his spinning to a certain degree: he can cause them to expand outwards from his body to create a raging cyclone around him, focus a jet stream of compressed air down his arms and towards a particular target, or spurt off miniature tornadoes into his path. He can focus air currents into a stream powerful enough to blast a hole through a brick wall, create a windscreen strong enough to deflect falling boulders, or create tornadoes powerful enough to lift multiple automobiles aloft and keep them spinning. Whirlwind can spin fast enough to make himself virtually invisible in dim lighting.

He possesses slightly superhuman stamina and strength, particularly in his legs. While he can lift (press) approximately 1,000 pounds, he can leg-press approximately 2,000 pounds under optimal conditions. Along with dexterity, his mutation also grants him metahuman agility, reflexes, and acrobatic prowess.

At one point, he upgraded his offensive capabilities, and was given a new costume with reinforced chain-mail armor to protect him from impact, allowing him to strike at and damage stronger materials than before without injury. He was also granted rotating buzz-saws which are mounted on his wrists as close-quarters weapons, and a selection of shuriken and razor blades that could be launched out from his suit on command while spinning, making him extremely deadly. In more recent years, Whirlwind has taken to wearing more generic straight blades on his armor.

David Cannon is a high school dropout, but an experienced motorist who has flown small aircraft (both conventional and exotic) and has experience with disguises. He possesses some mechanical aptitude, having designed at least some of his specialized costumes and related equipment.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He discovered his mutant power when he realized that he could never get dizzy. Used it to become a circus performer, professional wrestler, a figure skater (yes, really), and finally a criminal for hire. He’s been with several villain groups: Lethal Legion, Masters of Evil, Army of Evil, et. al.

There are things about his powers that even I don’t get. Spinners seem to have localized forms of super-speed.

How does one gain the power of superhuman angular momentum, rather than linear momentum like running? It could be that different muscle groups have superhuman strength and resilience; instead of Quicksilver's leg muscles and reinforced lower body, Whirlwind may have...superhuman shoulder and torso activity?

Add to that I'm fairly certain Marvel has just fully bestowed wind-generating powers on Whirlwind since the late-90's. He's just not treated like a spinning character anymore, and more of a "I point and wind funnels form" character.