Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Thaddeus E. Ross
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk (Vol. 1) #1, May 1962 (As General Ross); Hulk (Vol. 2) #1, March 2008 (As the Red Hulk)

Powers: Lieutenant General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross had his consciousness absorbed by the electro-psionic entity known as Zzzax. The creature traditionally fed off of the neuro-electricity of the human mind, but Ross's willpower was so strong he essentially overpowered, possessed and directed Zzzax against the Hulk. Even after having his mind restored to his proper body, Ross maintained the ability to project some amount of electrostatic energy.

Upon becoming the Red Hulk, Ross was subjected to a revolutionary gamma-cosmic process envisioned by M.O.D.O.K. and the Leader. This allowed him to transform from Ross to a red-skinned, massively-proportioned Hulk at will. He mentally controlled his transformation, would not revert when angered, relaxed, or unconscious, and maintained the same mind and personality throughout the process. As the Red Hulk, he possessed a baseline Class 100 strength, superhuman stamina, and was virtually impervious to physical impact, injury, temperature and radiation extremes, etc. He could generate shockwaves by clapping his hands together and leap over a mile with his powerful leg muscles. If injured in some way, the Red Hulk also had a healing factor that rapidly restored his body. When angry or agitated, the Red Hulk began producing excess radiation to various effects. Some of this radiation manifested as heat, making his skin burn to the touch and even hot enough to melt metal on contact. This was also a symptom of the Red Hulk's body processing radiation at an accelerated rate, increasing his strength, stamina, durability, and healing powers like a traditional Hulk. However, it also meant he was consuming energy at an accelerated rate. So while an angry Red Hulk did become more powerful for a time, if he became too angry or remained angry and active for an extended period, he could exhaust his radiation levels for a period of time, forcing him to revert back to his human form.

The Red Hulk initially had a programmed secondary ability to absorb and manipulate outside sources of energy or radiation. He could de-power Bruce Banner or other Hulks, draining away their gamma radiation into himself to refill his own radiation storage. The gamma-cosmic process also allowed him to harness cosmic energy sources, wielding them for his own purposes or reflecting them back on the source. It was through this ability that he temporarily controlled the Silver Surfer's surfboard while de-powering the Surfer himself, as well as striking the Watcher unconscious. Bruce Banner eventually removed this ability from the Red Hulk after testing showed excess use of the power would ultimately stabilize the Red Hulk's physiology, locking him permanently as either Ross or the Red Hulk.

"Thunderbolt" Ross is a lieutenant general in the United States Air Force. With decades of military experience, Lt. General Ross is a skilled organizer, strategist and leader.

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