Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Nightmare
First Appearance: Strange Tales (Vol. 1) #110, July 1963

Powers: Nightmare is a Fear Lord and lord of the Dream Dimension. He has no known origin, and may have emerged fully formed from or at the same time as the Dream Dimension itself. Nightmare's Dream Dimension borders the collective subconscious of the human race, allowing him to access the sleeping minds of humanity. He feeds off of emotion, particularly the fear and anxiety released by people during bad dreams, or nightmares. Nightmare is virtually omnipotent inside his own dimension: He commands all the demons and familiars inside that realm, can alter the environment and landscape of the Dream Dimension to suit his needs, and can draw power from the entire dimension through himself.

Nightmare can alter his appearance, assuming any form he wishes in the Dream Dimension, from colossal size and strength to posing as a specific person. Nightmare has access to the sum totality of human knowledge, drawing thoughts and ideas from the minds of any person whose sleeping mind touches the Dream Dimension. Only a select few like Dr. Strange can avoid entering Nightmare's grasp when sleeping, as Strange casts protective wards around his mind before sleep each night. By manipulating someone's dreams, Nightmare can guide their subconscious and plant ideas in their vulnerable and unsuspecting minds. These can act like post-hypnotic suggestions when the person awakens, influencing their behavior. Nightmare can leave his dimension entirely and travel to Earth or other realms. He retains some of his power, such as shape-shifting, but is largely vulnerable when separated from the Dream Dimension.

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