Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #15, June 1963

Powers: No superhuman powers, the Mad Thinker is a baseline human who possesses the normal strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in no regular exercise.

The Mad Thinker has great intellectual and cognitive abilities, as well as a vast mechanical genius. His brain is so naturally adept at higher mathematics that he can perform unaided mental calculations such as finding large, complex, and imaginary square roots, solving algebraic equations including vectors, Boolean logic, probability and statistics, differential and integral calculus, and computing analytic functions.

He has an eidetic memory, and is able to recall 99.99% of everything he sees, hears, or reads. The Mad Thinker's brain is like an organic computer. By "programming" it with all the relevant data possible, he is able to mentally calculate event probabilities to two decimal places. The only thing that ever works against his probability forecasts is what he calls the x-factor, certain variables of which he is unaware and thus is unable to use in his computations.

The Mad Thinker is not an intuitive genius like Reed Richards, capable of creating and inventing: He can only synthesize for his own use what has already been created or invented by others. Although the Thinker has mastered many areas of science, his specialties are computer design, in which he has no known equals, and robotics. However, he has apparently contributed no original discoveries to any of these areas. Though he has no superhuman powers, the Thinker has a unique radio-link surgically implanted in his brain that enables him to constantly monitor and utilize the computer systems at his hidden laboratories, even from in prison. He can also use the link to project his consciousness into an android body for himself, in order to confront threats safely or continue his work in his labs when incarcerated. Some of his android bodies have superhuman capabilities, such as enhanced strength, durability, a retractable jetpack and energy-beam weapons that sprout from his hands.

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