Monday, December 28, 2020




Real Name: Henry Jonathan Pym
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish (Vol. 1) #27, January 1962

Powers: Dr. Henry Pym is a biochemist whose abilities derive from his discovery of what’s known as the Pym Particles, subatomic particles that allow size-changing as well as the shunting and accruing mass extra-dimensionally. He originally employed a gas containing magnetically-suspended Pym Particles in order to change sizes. He can shrink himself to as small as below microscopic size. By doing so, he gains access to the Microverse. By exposing himself to a different set of gaseous Pym Particles, he can re-enlarge himself to his normal size. He can apply both gases to people and external objects to create the same effects. Even at 1/2 inch in size, Pym retains his normal strength level. His costume was self-designed and manufactured during his time as the original Ant-Man. It consists of stretch fabrics laced with unstable molecules, and a cybernetic helmet that allows the user rudimentary telepathic communication with ants, is equipped with sound amplification allowing the shrunken user to be heard by normal-sized individuals, a retractable plexiglass face shield, an oxygen supply and gas canisters containing the Pym Particles. In shrunken size, he uses a flying ant for transportation.

Pym used the Pym Particles in liquid and gaseous form as the original Ant-Man (described above). He later modified the formula via tablets to allow him to proportionately increase his height and weight, growing in terms of strength and durability as well. During this period, he assumed the costumed identity of Giant-Man. In this form, he could grow as tall as 100 feet. He later discovered that his constant size-changing was putting a strain on his system, forcing Pym into early retirement. He later returned as Goliath, but his powers were now both limited and adjusted: Pym could now grow only as tall as 25 feet, and only for 15 minutes exactly at a time. Any longer, and the strain of maintaining that size would affect his internal organs; any shorter, and the stress of repetitive size-changing would be just as debilitating. Also, during his retirement, he learned that his repeated and prolonged exposure to the Pym Particles over the years altered his body to allow him to now actively produced them as a biological process. His powers were now completely natural and he no longer required any additional particle exposure to change size.

Experiments repaired his shrinking and growing abilities, afterwards he went from Goliath to Ant-Man again. His Yellowjacket identity was born out of a laboratory experiment gone wrong. Mind-altering chemicals caused him to delude himself into assuming a more daring, assertive personality. As Yellowjacket, Pym relied on his shrinking ability but was far more impulsive and aggressive than before, with a costume equipped with bio-electric stingers and mechanisms allowing flight. He’s fluctuated over the years and reverted to previous costumed identities. He later employed his shrinking abilities as the Wasp.

By transcending the limits of their size-changing abilities, or if augmented in conjunction with artificial means, a Pym Particles user can travel beyond this reality’ physical limits, into the dimensions of Underspace and Overspace.

Dubbed the most brilliant bio-engineer alive, Hank Pym is a genius intellect with a total of nine post-graduate level degrees, including Ph.D.’s in biochemistry, robotics and entomology. Considered among the world's foremost biochemists, Dr. Pym has considerable knowledge and expertise in subatomic physics, robotics, cybernetics, the study of higher insects (especially ants), and the design of computerized artificial intelligence systems.

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