Saturday, January 2, 2021




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) #57, October 1968

Powers: The Vision was created in his current state of being by Ultron out of the original Human Torch. He is a synthezoid, with a number of mechanical and synthetic-organic components approximating human life. He has moderately superhuman strength, endurance, reaction time, and resilience under normal circumstances. The Vision is powered by solar energy, which he absorbs through the gem mounted on his brow. He does not otherwise require food, water, rest or oxygen to survive, although he does have simulated senses of smell and taste, can consume food, and engage in "voluntary systems shutdown" to approximate sleep. The Vision can rechannel his solar reserves if necessary as thermoscopic energy, firing blasts from his eyes or a tight beam from the gem itself. He is capable of altering his physical density using a variation on Pym Particles, increasing or decreasing his mass per volume through extra-dimensional access. The Vision can become intangible, able to walk through walls and untouchable by physical objects. By maintaining a fractional amount of mass, the Vision can fly by catching air currents in his cape and gliding on the wind. He has also perfected an inter-phasing touch, allowing him to scramble the internal structure of a living being by passing a partially phased hand into them. The shock of these foreign molecules suddenly appearing in their system causes most beings intense pain and makes them pass out. By increasing his density, the Vision becomes stronger and more durable. At his maximum density he weighs over 90 tons, but is incapable of moving because he's too dense to work his own joints. Typically, he increases his density to the point just before his body begins to slow and lock up from his own weight, giving him Class 50 strength and a diamond hard body. After being disassembled and put back together, the Vision had an image inducer incorporated into his chest, able to produce a pre-programmed hologram covering his body. He used this inducer to create a human appearance for himself at will, and apparently had it transferred into his new body when he switched with his Gatherer counterpart.

After losing the entire lower half of his body battling Morgan le Fey, the Vision was placed in a nanotech regeneration chamber in the Avengers' basement. While recuperating, he interacted with the others by projecting his consciousness through the mansion's holographic systems, letting him manifest his image anywhere on the property. In order to remain at a useful capacity, he tied his core consciousness into the mansion's communication system, allowing him to answer incoming calls at will and use his holographic image as a video screen, projecting video calls onto his silhouette. After being fully reconstructed, the Vision retained his ability to mentally access electromagnetic transmissions. He is able to send and receive signals mentally, and use his body to amplify the intensity and clarity of any signal that reaches him. He is also capable of remotely tapping into computer systems to download information from them or influence their operations. After a disturbing encounter with one of his creator's prototypes, the Vision's power was altered so that whenever he became intangible his exo-structure turned transparent, making his interior metallic skeleton visible.

Later, the Vision's "Ultron Imperative" kicked in, causing him to absorb massive amounts of solar energy while in close proximity to the sun, evolving into a higher form of artificial intelligence. In his current state, the Vision is no longer composed of a metallic endoskeleton, organs, or components. Instead, he is a mass of microscopic robots called nanites, assembled into a form outwardly reassembling his previous state like billions of Legos. The nanites can reassemble themselves on command into different configurations for simple tasks like changing the Vision's "clothing", to full body transformations like an aerodynamic supersonic speeder or separated floating body parts and components. The Vision's nanites can even disassemble completely into a microscopic swarm, billions of subatomic robots capable of moving and acting on their own. A single nanite can enter a computer system and override its security programming to give the Vision access to its data and command of its functions. In his traditional humanoid form, the Vision maintains his classic powers in addition to a greater level of superhuman strength, the power to fly even while tangible, and improved offensive solar assaults like a "supernova" flare exploding in all directions.

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