Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Siena Blaze
First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited (Vol. 1) #1, June 1993

Powers: Siena Blaze’s mutant power is the ability to manipulate vast amounts of electromagnetic energy. She does not, however, generate the energy within herself nor does she use her power in conjunction with the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Siena Blaze distorts the Earth’s existing electromagnetic forces, gathering and directing them by the force of will. She can use her power to create massively destructive energy discharges, levitate by riding on magnetic ley lines to fly at speeds as fast as 150 miles per hour, sense electromagnetic phenomena in her vicinity, and instantaneous energy-based transportation similar to teleportation.

The side-effects of her powers are severe. Each time she uses her abilities, Siena runs the risk of destroying the planet. She creates tears in the Earth’s electromagnetic field that scramble energy wavelengths at a 100 mile radius of her, causing ecological upsets that create environmental hazards on a massive scale. Even her teleportation signature creates an electromagnetic disruption as an explosion decompression: Her teleportation effect which transports her across the planet’s surface creates a vacuum implosion of energy in her wake.


sylar10 said...

She was a member of the Upstarts and got her first shot out of the gate by trying to take out all 3 leaders of the X-Men (Xavier, Cyclops, and Storm).

X-Tra Fact: Siena Blaze was first depicted in Stryfe's Strike File #1, January 1993 before her first physical appearance, which was difficult to peg.

X-Men Unlimited (Vol. 1) #1 and Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #301 are both cover dated for June 1993, and Uncanny X-Men Annual (Vol. 1) #17 was also released that month. According to archived data on shipping dates, UXM #301 hit stores the first week of the month, UXM Annual #17 in the third week, and XMU #1 in the last week.

Though UXM #301 is technically Siena's first appearance, it takes place third chronologically, and both it and the annual included footnotes directing readers to check out X-Men Unlimited #1 first for Siena's debut.

sylar10 said...

Also, she remarked in her first appearance that her teleportation is similar to Nightcrawler’s. Eh...yes and no:

When Nightcrawler teleports, he passes through the Brimstone Dimension and the atmosphere of that universe briefly touches with ours. This creates a burst of flame, a stench of brimstone, and a rushing of air that produces a “BAMF!” noise. The rush of air comes from the man-sized vacuum of space he leaves behind, and the surrounding air flowing to fill that void.

Siena’s power creates an electromagnetic void as she passes, because she tears a piece of the planet's E.M. field with her as she travels. Therefore, the void of electromagnetic energy she creates is then forcibly filled by the surrounding energies, creating a violent implosion in her wake.