Saturday, January 2, 2021




Real Name: Lorna Sally Dane
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #49, October 1968

Powers: Polaris' mutant ability gives her a significant electrolyte count in her bloodstream which increases her personal bio-magnetic field. Furthermore, that field resonates on the same wavelength as the Earth's own electromagnetic field, placing her in attune with the energy patterns of the entire planet. This allows her to manipulate magnetism and other electromagnetic forces for a variety of effects. Her ability is the same as that of her father (Magneto), though considerably less powerful than his.

She is able to levitate, attract and repel anything that possesses even trace levels of ferrous material in it, and can direct clusters of magnetized molecules to cling to nonferrous materials, giving her a medium to hold onto and manipulate them as well. She is capable of warping metal by shifting it into a liquid state and reforming in into new solid constructions. By forming intense magnetic force between trace metallic atoms in the atmosphere, she can form solid-seeming force fields that deflect all manner of assault, or concussive blasts of magnetic energy. Polaris is also capable of shifting her perceptions so that she sees her environment in terms of electromagnetic energy, enabling her to detect various sources of electronic power and recognize the different between humans and androids. Polaris can fly by means of magnetic repulsion and also absorb and metabolize electricity in order to boost her power levels.

Polaris has a latent secondary mutation that allows her to manifest superhuman physical power in the presence of danger. Her body absorbed negative emotional energy from her environment (the empathic residue created by thoughts like anger, fear, hatred, aggressive lust, etc), processing it in order to physically transform herself into a 7-foot tall powerhouse with superhuman strength and resistance to all manner of physical injury. A side effect of her power was an enhanced residual echo of that negative energy she absorbed, radiating from her position to enhance the negative emotional reactions of others around her, making them act more wild, violent, amoral, etc. At first, her physical enhancements would wear off when the threat passed, but after she took up residence on Muir Island where the Shadow King was already heightening the darker natures of the residents, her physical changes stabilized as permanent until being struck by Psylocke's psychic blade reversed her powers and restored her magnetic abilities.

Briefly, Polaris lost her powers on M-Day and was taken in by Apocalypse who remade her into his new Horseman of Pestilence. As Pestilence, Lorna's body was artificially re-engineered to recreate her mutant genes so as to possess magnetic powers once more, and she was additionally given the power to assimilate and maintain pathogens and viral agents into her metabolism, mutating them into more-advanced stages, and then releasing these bio-hazards into the atmosphere as a "meta-plague". The X-Men cleansed her of all these pathogens once they rescued her, but it is unclear whether or not she still has the capacity to act as Pestilence.

Lorna Dane holds a masters degree in geophysics and has expertise in the use of physics, chemistry, geology and advanced mathematics to study the Earth and its composition, including its atmosphere, internal make-up, oceans and electrical and other fields.

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