Thursday, January 14, 2021




Real Name: Tanya Trask
First Appearance: Askani'Son (Vol. 1) #1, February 1996

Powers: Madame Sanctity’s mutant powers include vast psionic and chronal abilities. Her primary power is time-shifting, allowing her to generate chronal energies that enable her to travel forward and backwards in time or control her temporal synchronicity. This allows her to phase in and out of sync with the timestream altogether (as was the case when her power first manifested). She is capable of displacing herself and others at least 2,000 years into the future and back again, and can travel in astral form. She possesses telepathy allowing to read minds within a seemingly limitless radius, create psionic illusions, assume mental control of a person’s mind and body, project her astral form, and project psionic energy bolts that affect the mind. She is also a powerful telekinetic who can manipulate matter with the energy of her thoughts, create force fields and fire concussive psionic force blasts. By using her telekinesis to levitate herself, Sanctity can fly at incredible speeds. She can sustain shields that can withstand Jovian atmospheric pressures, and even repel nuclear weapon attacks.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

She’s Bolivar Trask’s daughter. She and her brother Larry are the reason their dad created the Sentinels.

She faded out of sync with our time when her mutation surfaced. She drifted in the timestream for years until a time-traveling Rachel Summers (who had just switched places with Captain Britain) reeled her in. They land in the future and form the Clan Askani. But Sanctity was driven mad from years adrift in time. She traveled to when her father was creating the first Sentinels. Rachel followed and erased everyone’s memory of the adult Tanya. Before returning to their future timeline, Tanya secretly programmed her father’s Mastermold Sentinel with the identities of The Twelve. (See "The Uncanny X-Men" #-1).

In the Askani future, she grew to be a not-so-mentally stable old lady, waiting for Nathan Summers (The Chosen One) to come to her during his adolescence. She was captured by Stryfe shortly after meeting Nathan. Stryfe faked her death and wanted her to tutor him in his own mutant powers, which she willingly agreed to do.(See "Askani'Son" #1-4).

She’s intervened at various points in Nathan’s history, including sending Scott & Jean back in time to ensure that Nathaniel Essex becomes Mr. Sinister, thus ensuring Cable’s birth in effect (See "The Further Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix" #1-4).