Thursday, February 18, 2021




Real Name: Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #8, October 1983

Powers: Magma is a geothermal conduit, her mutant power grants her total control over the Earth’s molten core. She can manipulate the earth beneath her feet, creating seismic tremors, opening up deep fissures in the ground, or reshaping the earth to cause columns or pillars to shoot up into the air. She can hurl chunks of rock over a distance or cause landslides to collapse heavy amounts of dirt and rock over an opponent. She can also restructure her environment to cause volcanic activity, making spurts of lava come shooting out of an otherwise seismically-stable patch of ground. By focusing the heat from the earth's core, Magma can ignite flames in her hands and project them outwards as fiery plasma blasts, or radiate extreme temperatures in all directions. She can also create "magma blasts", levitating chunks of rock and then melting them before hurling them at a target, thus creating high-temperature projectiles with a solid impact. Her powers are heavily reliant on her contact with the earth. Earlier, her powers quickly faded if she broke contact with the ground.

Over the years, she has developed her abilities so that she can accumulate a supply of geothermal energy in her body as a "reserve tank" to fuel her power when separated from the earth. She can even fly for short periods by manipulating thermal updrafts, completely breaking her ties to the ground. Magma possesses only a limited ability to access her powers while in her normal state. She is highly resistant to flame and extreme temperatures and can exert some level of flame and seismic activity, but only accesses the full scope of her powers once she enters her Magma form. Once transformed, her body is composed of semi-fluid molten rock which gives off light and heat. She can increase her body's production of both through a mental command. Magma possesses an increased resistance to physical impact in this state, and indeed her body is largely immune to physical harm. Magma only experiences pain in her molten state due to residual neural feedback, but otherwise has no physiology or vital organs that can really be harmed. Should she transform back to normal while her molten form is still damaged, the injuries would translate into physical ones, but by remaining in her molten form long enough and soaking up geothermal energy, she can withstand most forms of physical injuries done to her transformed state, even potentially life-threatening ones.

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